Silicon photonic slot waveguide bragg gratings and resonators

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Improving the performance of silicon photonic rings, disks ...

An overview of the applications of 1D photonic crystals in silicon photonics is then given including grating couplers, waveguide crossings, multimode ... devices such as ring resonator, slotted feedback structure, and Bragg reflector. In Ref. Publications – Integrated Metaphotonics Group Photonic waveguide to free-space Gaussian beam extreme mode converter ... single soliton microcombs in dispersion-engineered Si3N4 resonators ... Broadband second-harmonic phase-matching in dispersion engineered slot waveguides ... on Silicon Nitride Photonic Bragg Grating Add-Drop Filter," Frontiers in Optics, ... Electrically Programmable On-Chip Equivalent-Phase-Shifted ... Jan 15, 2019 ... rectional coupler, which is required in a micro-ring resonator, is avoided. The key to ... waveguide Bragg grating on a silicon photonic chip. The inset gives the ..... gratings in slot waveguide,” J. Biophoton., vol. 6, no. 10, pp. Katrien De Vos - Photonics Research Group - UGent Label-free Silicon Photonics Biosensor Platform ... 1.3.3 Silicon photonics for biotechnology . ..... A ring resonator supports circulating waveguide modes with ...... The waveguide can be replaced by a slot waveguide that guides modes through a ...... They include fiber bragg gratings, long-period grating biosensors, photonic.

Fully-etched fiber-waveguide grating couplers with sub-wavelength gratings. ... silicon photonic directional coupler using asymmetric-waveguide based phase control", ... Description: Uniform waveguide Bragg gratings, 1st order, TE polarization. .... Description: Ring resonator with reduced sensitive to fabrication variations.

OSA | Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2014 Ultracompact Optically-Controlled Tunable Microwave Photonic Filter Based on a Nonlinear Silicon Microring Resonator

Many applications in optics utilize interferometric on-chip filters enabled by the silicon photonics technology including microring resonators 1,2,3,4, Bragg or arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs) 5

On silicon platform, silicon waveguide-based Bragg gratings have been integrated with III–V gain elements to provide optical feedback for lasers onThis section starts with a brief discussion of Bragg gratings serving as mirrors in hybrid lasers on a silicon chip (Section 5.1). Section 5.2 is dedicated to...

27 Apr 2017 ... These include ring slot resonators [14, 15], slot waveguides [16], ..... of silicon photonic rings, disks, and Bragg gratings for use in label-free ...

Display, Solid-State Lighting, Photovoltaics, and Optoelectronics in Energy Network Architectures, Management, and Applications Optical Sensors and Biophotonics Optical Transmission Systems, Subsystems, and Technologies Optoelectronic …